Joint Replacement Surgery

Q.1 What is Joint Replacement Surgery ?

Ans : It is an operation designed to relieve pain from arthritic / worn out joints.

Q.2 What exactly is done in this surgery ?

Ans : The ends of long bones are normally covered with a very smooth articular surface, which provides painless movement and function in the joint. This surface is replaced with an artificial one in joint replacement surgery.

Q.3 When is joint replacement surgery necessary ?

Ans : When pain and disability becomes severe & interferes in activities of daily living. Joint replacement surgery has given a new life to millions across the globe.

Q.4 Are there different types of joints replacement surgeries ?

Ans : Yes, for example in the knee one could do a Uni-compartment knee replacement or a Total knee replacement (all three compartments) depending on the disease and its extent.

Q.5 What preparations are necessary before undertaking joint replacement surgery?

Ans : Routine pre-operative blood, urine and cardiac investigations are required before undergoing surgery. A preoperative evaluation by a physician may be advised.

Q.6 How long is the hospital stay ?

Ans : About 5 days of stay following Total knee replacement surgery. However only 3 days stay is required following Uni-knee replacement and shoulder replacement surgery.

Q.7 What after care is necessary following surgery?

Ans : Exercises/ physiotherapy for at least 3 months is desirable for recovery of full function. In event of infection any where else in the body, prompt treatment is advisable.

Q.8 Are there any benefits of one knee design over the other?

Ans : There are a variety of designs available from different manufacturers. However the basic concept / design are the same. It is wise to let your surgeon select a prosthesis which is best suited for your knee.

Q.9 How much time does it take to recover and what activities will I be able to do?

Ans : Most patients are able to resume normal activities in 3-4 weeks following surgery. It is possible to swim, cycle and play golf; however these activities may take e few weeks more.

Q.10 What are the limitations of joint replacement surgery?

Ans : The artificial knee has a life, just as the God made knee. Most of these usually last for more than 10 years. Sitting cross-legged may be possible however squatting may not be advisable.

Q.11 What are the risk factors and potential complications?

Ans : Risk of infection and Deep vein thrombosis are of concern, however when performed in a good set-up the incidence is very low.

Q.12 Why has there been a sudden upsurge in joint replacement surgery?

Ans : Risk of infection and Deep vein thrombosis are of concern, however when performed in a good set-up the incidence is very low.

Q.13 How far is India from the more developed countries as far as Shoulder surgery is concerned ?

Ans : The facilities in some centres are at par and comparable to the best in the world.