Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Shoulder Replacement Surgery

What is Shoulder Joint Replacement?

Total shoulder replacement is a procedure in which the damaged articulating parts of the shoulder joint are removed and replaced with artificial prostheses. Replacement of both the humeral head and the socket is called a total shoulder replacement.

What are the Indications for Shoulder Joint Replacement?

Total shoulder joint replacement surgery is indicated for conditions such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis or severe shoulder injuries which are not adequately treated by conservative measures such as medications, injections, physical therapy, and activity changes. Dr. Jay recommends surgery when you have the following symptoms:

  •   Severe shoulder pain that restricts daily activities
  •   Moderate to severe pain during rest
  •   Weakness and/or loss of motion

Preparation for Shoulder Joint Replacement

To decide whether total shoulder replacement is a good option for you, Dr. Jay will evaluate your condition thoroughly.

Dr. Jay reviews your medical history and performs a physical examination of your shoulder to assess the extent of mobility and pain. Imaging tests such as X-ray or MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) are ordered.

The procedure

You will be admitted one day before or on the day of surgery. After a general anaesthetic you will be positioned in a reclining beach chair position. Dr Jay makes an incision in front of your shoulder. After exposure and removal of the arthritic/injured parts, the bone ends are prepared with state of the art, precision instruments and the new modular components of the shoulder are implanted. The wound is then closed. You will remain in the hospital for 2-3 days and will be instructed on your post-operative rehabilitation program.


After allowing a few days for soft tissue healing exercises will be initiated. This will progress in a graduated manner under the guidance of Dr Jay Shah and the shoulder physiotherapy expert. You will also receive instructions on commencing activities of daily living as and when appropriate.

For further information, booking a consultation, and to plan your Total Shoulder Replacement - contact us