Knee Arthroscopy Surgery

Knee Arthroscopy Surgery

What is Knee Arthroscopy Surgery?

Knee Arthroscopy Surgery is a common surgical procedure performed using an arthroscopy, a viewing instrument, to diagnose or treat a knee problem. It is a relatively safe procedure and most of the patients are discharged from the hospital on the same day of surgery.
Most patients are ready for discharge on the same day of surgery and can recover very fast due to the minimally invasive technique

Indications for Knee Arthroscopy Surgery

  •   Ligament injuries (eg ACL, PCL)
  •   Meniscal pathology
  •   Cartilage procedures
  •   Osteochondritis dissecans
  •   Treatment of patella problems
  •   Treatment of infected knee.

Knee Arthroscopy Procedure

Knee arthroscopy is performed under local, spinal or general anesthesia. Your anesthesiologist will decide the best method for you depending on your age and health condition.

  •   Dr. Jay Shah makes two or three small incisions around the knee.
  •   Next, a sterile saline solution is injected into the knee to push apart the various internal structures. This provides a clear view and more room for Dr. Jay Shah to work.
  •   An arthroscopy, a narrow tube with a tiny video camera on the end, is inserted through one of the incisions to view the knee joint. The structures inside the knee are visible to Dr. Jay Shah on a video monitor in the operating room.
  •   Dr. Jay Shah first examines the structures inside the knee joint to assess the cause of the problem.
  •   Once a diagnosis is made, surgical instruments such as scissors, motorized shavers, or lasers are inserted through another small incision, and the repair is performed based on the diagnosis.

Knee Arthroscopy Rehabilitation

Depending on the indication of your knee arthroscopy and your requirements, Dr Jay Shah & the Knee Rehab Unit will customise your rehabilitation plan. This will be designed keeping in mind the goals of faster recovery, early mobilisation and return to desired/planned activity levels. You will be guided every step of the way during your rehabilitation to achieve your goals.

For further information, booking a consultation, and to plan your Knee arthroscopy surgery - contact us